International Pernambuco Conservation Initiative


Week of 8 to 13 July 2024
IPCI France-Europe speaks at the Plants Committee in Geneva.

Madam Chair, Thank you for giving me the floor.
I address the meeting on behalf of members of IPCI, CSFI and CAFIM. On behalf of my colleagues, I would like to thank the secretariat for preparing the Doc 29 we are discussing today. Since the decisions taken at Cop 19 (decisions 19.249 to 19.252), the bow makers community has organized itself at international level to follow the recommendations of the secretariat and the standing committee. Our attention was particularly focused on points 19.249 and 19.252 on traceability and 19.251 on the registration of Paubrasilia Echinata pre-convention stocks. The cornerstone of the traceability system, whether for raw wood or newly manufactured bows, is pre-convention stocks registration. We call on the parties and their respective management authorities to set up a standardized international registration system, and remain at their full disposal to share the work already carried out at national level in various countries. The future of our profession as it is today throughout the world will depend not only on the fluidity of pre-convention inventories, but also on the opportunity that future generations of musicians will be given to continue perpetuating their art and our culture.
Thank you for your attention

On behalf of: IPCI Chambre Syndicale de la Facture Instrumentale (CSFI) Confédération des Industries Musicales Européennes (CAFIM)

3 rue Truffaux 75017 PARIS
N° d'association : W751269309